Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

  1. “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Jesus, thank You for asking us to come to You with our burdens.  All Knowing Father, we acknowledge that you see us in our laboring and striving.  Father, we confess to you, we have been laboring in our own strength. We are carrying around heavy weights, and we are weary.  Forgive us for trying to create solutions in our own ability and according to our own thinking. We come to You, God of unlimited power, and ask You to take this labor from us. Help us lay down our self-will and our powerless efforts to be in control.   Help us cease from all of our own labor, from trying to work in our own strength.   Father, keep us from taking upon ourselves burdens You do not give us, burdens that only You can bear.  We trust in Your will and Your ability to labor on our behalf, to move mountains in our favor. Father God, we bring to You the things in our lives that seem impossible, insurmountable. We place them into Your hands. There is no power in heaven or on earth that can stand against you.  We thank You for answering according to Your will and divine plan for our lives.
  1. “Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart”  Father, thank you for your beautiful commands. We say Yes to you Lord; we submit our will to Yours.  Wise and Loving Teacher, help us learn of you.  Let us be touched and transformed by Your gentle and humble nature. Help us become like you, Jesus; meek and lowly in heart.  Thank You Lord, that Your will is to be our deliverer and our strength. Let this be done in us according to Your will.  Jesus our Helper, set Your yoke upon us, we pray.  Free us from the yoke the world has us snared in.  Give us the wisdom to take on your yoke;  to align ourselves with Your Word and Your ways.  Thank You Lord that through our alliance with You, we are no longer bound to ourselves, and have no need of our own power.  We declare with boldness and faith, our help comes from the Lord Our God.
  1. “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  Father, we confess our blindness; that at times we get taken in by the liar. Forgive us for thinking that you are laying burdens on us. Merciful God, we declare the truth. You are good and Your plan is not to harm us or burden us, but to bless us.  Your plan is to give us fullness of life; to lift our burdens, and set us free from heaviness.  Father, help us lay on you everything that weighs us down and steals our joy.  Let no light and momentary affliction have any power to take our eyes off our eternal destiny with You.  Jesus, we ask You to fill us, that our spirits will soar with joy and our hearts will become unchained.  Father, we thank You for enabling us to be fully and trustingly at rest in Your sovereign power and unlimited strength. Help us use the freedom You give us to love You, to bless You, to minister to Your heart, and to immerse ourselves in the deepness of Your love.

Psalm 55:22 ”Cast your cares on the Lord, and He will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”

  1. Thank you Father, for Your great and unfailing love. We praise and adore You for how excellently you love and care for all of Your creation. We thank You Father, that it pleases You when we come to You with our cares.  Help us take this step in faith. Jesus, we cast onto You all of our cares, trials, and concerns.  Lord Our Strength, we lift our cries for help up before You.  Help us wait expectantly, confident that Your ears are always inclined to us.  You are worthy of all of our faith and trust. Thank You Lord, that You uphold and support us when we feel like everything we know is being shaken.  Jesus, we ask You to hold us firmly in Your peace and keep us steadfast in faith. Help us be rooted deeply in You, completely immovable and unshakable.  Jesus, in Your righteousness, we find our righteousness.  We declare with confidence and faith, Your plan will not fail.  You are our fortress and our strong tower; we run to You and find refuge. Beautiful Savior, we place in You all of our hope, knowing we can rely fully in Your invincible ability to sustain us in this life, and preserve us for all eternity.